composed by -=> <&%. sulphur .%&> <&%. of admire .%&> all samples were sam pled by me from : korg x3 my mouth =) this time tune was ma- de less than 6 hours!! from 1p.m to 6.40p.m. on the 17.07.94sunday- inspiration, again :)! why should i've to greet somebody? well, maybe becoz i want to be @-light =) and greet following persons: maxim, gimle poskgubbe, judge, daze breeze, peak, and all scene dudes!... hmm... i could write down my contact address : sulphur/admire a.k.a. veikka erkola vanha tapanilantie93 00730 helsinki/finland . swapping samples/ modules and 4 friend- ship..and last : don't rip anything, okay?!